Chart A: June 1, 1926. 9.30 AM. Los Angeles, CA
South Indian Style Chart:
North Indian Style Chart:
Bhava Chalit Chart; South Indian Style:
Bhava Chalit Chart: North Indian Style:
10: 14: First we determine House Cusp.
For this, we note down Asc degree. Here it is 20deg 14’.
This is Bhava Madhya of Lagna or First House.
The Lagna spans from 5 degrees 14’ Cancer/Karkataka Rasi (Pravarti) to 5 degrees 14’ Leo/Simha Rasi(Poorthi).
10: 15: Therefore second Bhava or house will span from 5deg 14’ Leo to 5deg 14’ Virgo.
And subsequently, all houses/Bhavas will ‘shift’ accordingly and straddle two Rasis.
10: 16: Here we see the Bhavas/House shift with Jupiter.
In the Rasi/Lagna Chart, Jupiter is in 8th house Aquarius at 4degrees 0’.
In the Bhava Chalit Chart, Jupiter is in Capricorn Rasi and therefore in 7th Bhava/House.
You will notice that degrees are not relevant in the Bhava Chalit Chart because it is only concerned with where a Bhava begins and ends.
10: 17: So is Jupiter going to give results of being in Capricorn or in Aquarius?
The answer is that Jupiter is in Aquarius RASI only.
Remember our previous lessons about what Rasi is and what Bhava is and what it does to the Graha that passes through it.
In a nutshell:
Rasis are FIXED locations that CHARGE Grahas that are MOVING all the time.
Bhavas are artificial human constructs that are tailored for each individual birth chart.
Grahas occupy Rasis. Grahas are powered by Rasis. Grahas influence Bhavas.
Rasis are not influenced by Grahas’ motion.
In other words, Bhavas don’t influence Grahas’ nature, but Grahas influence Bhavas.
10: 18: So what does this mean for Jupiter in our example Chart 1 above?
It means that Jupiter is influenced/charged/powered by Aquarius Only.
Aquarius powered Jupiter will act upon the native’s chart in 7th house matters and 8th house matters.
10.19: Alternatively, there will be no Chalit or Bhava/House shifting if Jupiter was between 5deg14’ Capricorn and 5deg 14’ Aquarius. And Jupiter will mostly influence 7th house matters.
Because 7th house for this chart spans from 5deg14’ Capricorn and 5deg 14’ Aquarius due to Asc in Cancer being at 20d14’ is the Bhava Madhya or middle of the First House/Lagna according to the Bhava Chalit principles.
10: 20: Similarly, there will be no Chalit or Bhava/House shifting if Jupiter was between 5deg14’ Aquarius and 5deg 14’ Pisces. And Jupiter will mostly influence 8th house matters.
Because 8th house for this chart spans from 5deg14’ Aquarius and 5deg 14’ Pisces due to Asc in Cancer being at 20d14’ is the Bhava Madhya or middle of the First House/Lagna according to the Bhava Chalit principles.
10: 21: What you have to remember while chart reading and checking Bhava Chalit is that degree matters and is very very important as it will impact which Bhava/House a Graha is influencing.
In this particular chart, Jupiter will give results of Aquarius in 7th House. Even though 7th house is influenced/charged by Capricorn.
Would it also influence 8th house matters? It will mostly be 7th house matters as the 7th House spans 5deg14’ Capricorn to 5 deg14’ Aquarius. Jupiter brings 8th house Aquarius energy to 7th House Capricorn matters.
This is the simplest way to explain Bhava Chalit. We will talk about Bhavas and House significations in Week 11. What ‘7th house matters’/‘8th house matters’ are will be clear then…
Have you all tried Chart 2?
10: 22: I am discussing Bhava Chalit before Bhavas/Lagna karakas because this will come up later. So remember that you will have to revert to week 10 lessons.
But for the next week, when we learn about Bhavas, it will with a generic example that assumes that Bhava Madhya is at 15 degrees and hence no Bhava Chalit takes place.
Put a pin on this week’s lessons and concepts. We will revisit. You will have more clarity after Week 12. Don’t worry if this is confusing to you right now.